The Academy of Organisational Neuroscience Australia
Face to Face Workshops
Judi offers workshops that are interactive and engaging. Participants walk out with a set of practical strategies they can use the very next day.
1. Building Strategic Leaders Around You
Understanding the emotional, social and thinking brain
The SIMs model and the role of emotion
The 12 leadership attributes
Using the leadership reflective tool
How to adjust and strengthen your influence behaviours
Developing agility in changing brain states
Strategies to maintain your calm composure
Agitate and contribute states
Prime for conversational chemistry
Identifying your leadership strengths and edges
How to distribute your leadership and grow other leaders
Establish Trust
Integrity: The 18 trust behaviours
Humility: The Okojo protocol
Strength: Fierce influence and ownership
Clarity: Look through the ten windows to mitigate cognitive bias
Positivity: The Motivation Response Model
Establishing Rapport
Establishing Growth
Challenge: Train the team in brain based coaching
Purpose: The Whyness table
Communication: Become a master communicator and prime for conversational chemistry
2. Building High Performance Teams
Develop a team purpose aligned with the vision
Clarity roles and expectations
Draw up an accountability chart
Examine the blockers and enablers for high performance
Explore team personality types
Build on the diversity of the team
Explore triggers to human motivation
Collect 360 feedback for self growth
Understand the complexities of change management and the brain
Differentiate leadership style to manage, mentor and coach
Clarify communication and decision making cycles
Understand cognitive bias and decision making
Plot the team on a code of behaviour line
Learn how to build a high performance learning culture

1. How The Brain Best Learns
Understanding neuroplasticity
How to strengthen neural connections
What happens at neural level when we think and learn
Learn memory techniques
Explore interleaving
Cognitive overload
Strategies for error detection
Developing critical and curious thinkers
Wellness and the brain
Understanding the learning curve
Practical brain break activities
2. Differentiate
Understand that every brain is different and why
Thee 13 brain strengths and strength charts
Ways of differentiating to make learning accessible
The unique teenage brain and practical strategies
The early years brain and practical strategies
Trauma and the brain
Impact of drugs on the brain
Restorative discipline with dignity
3. How to Engage the Learner
The eight steps to engage the learner
The brainwise classroom
High yield teaching and learning strategies
4. Reshape your School from the Brain Up
Leading the steps and process of becoming a brainwise school
Shared common practices in every classroom
Shared language and high performance learning culture
Evidence based teaching and learning strategies
5. Debunking neuromyths
Separating opinion from the research
Identifying the new and latest from the old and outdated
6. The Teenage brain
What makes the adolescent brain different?
Conversations we can have with your teenager.
How to adapt learning for the teenager's brain.
7. The early childhood brain and trauma
Developmental sensitive rewiring
Calming the brain stem in times of stress
The importance of love and a calm disposition
8. Neuroscience as a pedagogical framework
Reshaping your school from the brain up
The importance of spaced recall
The importance of gradual release